The 2023 WWQA Conference

The World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA) is delighted to announce the dates of The WWQA Conference 2023, which this year will be held at the United Nations in Nairobi from 18th – 20th September 2023. The WWQA has organised this event to promote local dialogue, engagement, and exchange; to highlight how the water quality data can be transformed into practical local action and how, as a result, all members of society can maintain a permanent dialogue with decision-makers at a supranational level to advance issues relating to water quality.
Development aid experts, scientists and water experts are invited to actively observe, learn from, and engage with the members of the WWQA and its workstreams. As was the case in the WWQA 2022 Conference held in Konstanz, Germany, Local Water Forums will be a key element of the event. They are composed of local politicians, businesspeople, and researchers, but most importantly of all, ordinary citizens representing all genders, ethnic groups, low-income sectors, and the full social reality of where they live, who have become engaged in the issue of water quality together with neighbourhood cultural actors capable of communicating the importance of water quality and stimulating an emotional response. They will be joined by Youth organisations who have recognised the need to not only become engaged but, more importantly, to initiate and lead actions that address issues that will directly affect the future of their generation and the future of their respective communities. Technical workstreams of the Alliance will also present on water quality data, modelling, status, and how this feeds into the Pathway to the World Water Quality Assessment.
The conference will be organized as an in-person event given the nature of engagement and discussions that form the basis to the agenda. Some sessions will be streamed.
For those wish to attend please register here